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Character Builds

Stitch, Shego and Personal Character Design Cali

Each Character has it's own extra features. Below I have in depth videos for each build explaining how they work, the network setup and the cool features I added!

Stitch Rig

Stitch has an "Alien Mode" with handles that if selected turn on his other arms, antennas and spikes on his back. He's a fully functioning rig and has been animated with.

Cali Rig

This is a personal character design done by myself. Cali has a master controller for her expressions as well as some lip sync mouths. She is fully functioning and has been animated with.

Shego Rig

Shego's rig has lots of drawing substitutions as well as her Special Effects from the show embedded in her rig. They have handles and can be turned on and off as well. She is fully functioning and has been posed along with her fire fully animated.

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